
What do you do with the wedding ring after the divorce? When you relocate, do you take everything with you to your new home? Do you keep loved ones belongings after their death?  

In each of these situations, what to do with the material things can be challenging. Typically for me it’s been a process that takes place over time. 

Looking at the wedding ring after the divorce was pretty depressing at the beginning. It was like a reminder of failure. Yet over time I came to see all that I had learned about myself and human nature via that marriage. Then the ring signified lessons learned and began to feel more like a diploma! 

Almost two years ago I had a major purge of every single thing I owned before I moved. It was a new experience. Every drawer and closet was cleaned out. It was very tedious. There were piles: keep, donate, toss, and undecided. For the undecided pile I asked this question, “Will this serve me moving forward?” Some things that I loved received a ‘no’! So out it went. 

During that major cleaning out, I came across a special box that held a little outfit that my baby Thomas wore before his death. I initially kept it because it contained his beautiful scent. Opening the box two decades later, his sweet baby scent was gone and the little outfit was yellowed. I created a ritual and lovingly placed it in the trash, thanking him for blessing my life. 


 They can hold such meaning and a plethora of memories. Holding on or letting go, we get to choose.

With healing light and love,
