A wisdom conversation about the 3 C's

You Didn’t Cause and You Cannot Cure or Control a Loved One’s Addiction

Patricia exudes a beautiful combination of loving kindness and practical as well as spiritual wisdom. Her journey towards these uplifting qualities began decades ago as she sought to cope with loved ones struggling with addiction. One day it popped into my consciousness that Patricia’s wisdom could be wonderfully captured in a conversation. She agreed and we sat down for a chat.

I am thrilled to share this conversation with you!

The conversation is about the Three C’s - you did not Cause, nor can you Cure or Control another person’s addiction(s). When Patricia learned this she walked through a previously unknown doorway. Her life changed from one of despair to one of hope and serenity. 

When you walk through this doorway with Patricia, you are welcomed into a world of peace, joy, and gratitude

Walking with Patricia on her courageous journey, you will share in the wealth of her experiences as she opens to the truth of the Three C’s. Living them offered her challenging yet uplifting opportunities.

  • The willingness to understand addiction

  • Shifting from being preachy to becoming a listener

  • Accepting that the process is slow

  • The difference between pain and suffering

  • Walking through life in grace

  • Setting boundaries

  • Developing self-love

  • The need for quiet and meditation

  • WAIT (Why Am I Talking)

  • Cultivating tools for better choices

  • A new way of being in the world

Yes, this conversation overflows with a wealth of wisdom. Patricia’s ability to simplify complex topics and apply them to everyday living truly inspires me, just as I suspect you will be inspired. Notice the paradox in the previous sentence: simplify complex. Living life as a paradox is wisdom. 

May the knowledge of the Three C’s - you did not Cause, nor can you Cure or Control another person’s addiction(s) - become a doorway to peaceful and happier opportunities for you. 

With love,
