Light and Bright

Lisa L.’s new creative space ~

I happen to be living in a cold and grey climate, a significant change from the warm and colorful sub-tropical climate that had been my home for over a decade. Cold and grey is quite the challenge for me.

So I figured out how to paint in a warm and light-filled space.

Painting with bright colors would help antidote the grey outside that can easily penetrate my inner state. 

It has been a process! There is no doubt that I am ‘meant’ to be living in the northeast. Yet after weeks of feeling semi-depressed, I was finally able to name ‘cold’ and ‘grey’ as the root of my unhappiness.

My inner conversation went something like this:

 “What is the opposite of cold and grey?” 

“Warm and bright!”

“How do I create warm and bright?”

I looked around at my choices and chose the kitchen as my art room. Closing the doors and simmering essential oil in a pot of water on the stove created just the warm and humid environment I craved. The added bonus was the view of the ocean tides. 

The painting process continues. My first color-full paintings are not my favorites. I am still, literally, warming up to my new art space and trusting in the creative unfolding.

This experience has proven to me, once again, just how therapeutic creating can be. I feel lighter, brighter, and happier. 

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