VORTEX...spiraling, twisting, stretching. Witnessing the image of Vortex sweeps me off my feet, bringing me inward. Inward toward spaces of clarity, eliminating shadows. Leaving my body, my Being spirals within the currents, flow, and movement of Vortex. Eyes wide open, potent desire lures me to go deeper. Fear takes a backseat as I am stretched to the beyond.

Willingly, I allow Vortex to whip away sorrow, suffering, discomfort. Swiftly swooshing through Vortex gradually activates brilliant alertness, keen sensitivity, inspired understanding.

Intense it is! Remembering to breathe, relax, trust. Guided amidst the twists and turns within this liquidy Vortex, an excitement erupts. Cleansed, Vortex advances me to the reality of truth. To the truth of reality. To ultimate freedom, beyond reality itself.

Swirling and circular, Vortex’s teals, blues, purples, and touch of magenta boldly invite the viewer to let go and enter mysterious realms. Organic creases in Vortex represent the stumbling we humans do on the earthly path.

Lisa L.


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