This collection was created from a painting I made in memory of my son, Adam, who died due to alcoholism. Adam’s spirit continues to shine bright and inspire healing .

Here is my reflection on the painting.


ADAM'S RED…a beam of light. Powerful energy bursts forth in this painting. It’s intense and edgy, signaling a powerful charge in the world. Deep engine red and shining yellow contrast with the hint of brackish charcoal.

Seemingly chaotic movements converge in rays of interconnectedness. Circular beams of yellow are contained within shaded darkness. Grounded on earth yet surrendered to the One suggests a depth of unity below the surface.

Created outdoors on shining metal in the humid heat of summer, Adam’s Red holds special meaning for me. It was painted in memory of my son whose favorite color was red.

In addition, I have written a book about my relationship with Adam. It’s called Transforming to Joy; Responding to My Son’s Struggle With Addiction.

Lisa L.


Shop Adam's Red Collection

~ read ‘Inspired by Adam’ at the bottom of the page to learn more ~

from $45.00

Wear Adam’s Red design clothing to build & support courage, strength, and love!

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Inspired by Adam

For over twenty years, I have been painting in abstract form. It's a relaxing, healing, and meditative experience. One hot humid summer day, I felt inspired to paint outdoors on a recycled piece of metal using red paint. My young adult son, Adam, came to mind and heart. Red was his favorite color. Adam had suffered with addictions and died drunk. Letting go on that fiercely hot summer day I felt Adam's presence and allowed the painting process to work through me. The result is Adam's Red painting.

A year or two later, it came to me that the painting would translate beautifully and make a bold clothing and accessories line. Of course the clothing and accessories line is called Adam's Red!

Not long after I began writing about our mother-son relationship. As this story evolved into book form it seemed only natural to translate Adam's Red painting into a lotus featured on the book jacket. The book is called  Transforming to Joy; Responding to My Son's Struggle With Addiction.

This unplanned process took place over a period of years. It still amazes me to look back and reflect upon  the ease with which all of this has unfolded.

Adam’s Red continues to inspire me to respond to the challenges of life with courage and love. It reminds my heart to open to both the pain and joy in life. It reminds me that love is never extinguished.

May our story inspire you to welcome deeper healing and hope.



Lisa L. Frechette, M.A., M.Ed.